Restolabs Enhances Contactless Efficiency for Restaurants in the No-Contact World

Think Resto
4 min readMay 21, 2021


The restaurant industry has had to constantly reshape the way it works to keep up with consumer demands for a seamless ordering experience. Normally, changes in strategy or marketing would take place gradually, over the span of a couple of months. However, this hasn’t been the case with contactless dining. In just the last quarter of 2020, contactless dining has risen exponentially and today it is a necessity in order to bring about food safety and minimize touchpoints in the whole customer experience.

Contactless dining is the perfect fix for diners who are wary of health and safety concerns, and it ensures the well-being of employees too. If you’re looking to enhance contactless efficiency in your restaurant, Restolabs is the ultimate solution. It offers a plethora of features that make the contactless dining experience easy to manage and as smooth as possible. These features go hand in hand with increasing profits and driving customer loyalty. Here’s how:

Branded Menu

The contactless menu can be modified to compliment your brand logo and theme. It can mirror your physical restaurant menu as well and you can alter the aesthetic as much as you want, according to your requirements. The idea is to promote your brand however you see fit, and with Restolabs’ wide range of themes, it’s easy to bring your vision to reality. Our menus are built for mobile viewing and ensure a pleasing visual experience along with easy ordering.

Real-Time Menu Updates

Once you’ve come up with your menu, it’s incredibly easy to edit it from time to time. Whether this means having a different day menu and night menu, or replacing seasonal dishes depending on availability, modifying or deleting menu items and prices, you can do so with a hassle-free process. If you’d like to highlight a certain daily special to increase its sale or promote a new dessert item, it can all be done instantly with just a few clicks.

Image-Based Menus

Drool-worthy photos of scrumptious dishes serve as powerful tools to make a customer’s mouth water. You can display tempting pictures of every single item in your menu to make it seem appetizing and give the customer an idea of what is in store for them.

Chat with Servers

Your customers can communicate with servers in real-time. Whether they have questions about a certain menu item or want to hear the chef’s recommendations, all of this can be done over text. This way, servers can reply to customer queries instantly and also manage more tables at a time instead of constantly making trips from one table to another.

Direct Communication with Kitchen

Another way we elevate the customer experience is by offering real-time updates to customers. Once a customer has placed an order, he or she receives an order ticket number on their device. With this number, they can immediately track the status of their order. The whole process is as quick and efficient as possible, and the customer is kept informed of order status.

Payment Gateways

Contactless payment is the need of the hour. It eliminates touchpoints but also allows users to complete a transaction in a much more reduced time frame. Built into the digital menu for quick ordering, we’ve got over 30 different online payment options that your customers can pick from. Forget credit cards and paper bills as this option calls for flexible payment methods that are safe and secure. All receipts are generated and saved within the ordering application as well, eliminating the use of any paper.

One-Click Checkout

Offering tableside payments is one of the prime advantages of contactless dining. Customers can close their check using an online mode of payment and the entire checkout experience takes place with one click, much faster than using a credit card and entering a PIN. This feature of the no-contact guest experience is one that is sure to delight your customers.

Targeted Promotions

Promos and deals are foolproof ways of boosting orders. With the Restolabs Contactless Dining solution, you get to access a coupon code generator that effectively builds customer-specific coupons as well as coupons for new menu items in order to make promotions more personalized. It’s a great way of connecting with customers as well as increasing sales. You can also design online coupons that match already existing offers in your restaurant.

Social Login

Customers can create accounts on your restaurant app or website using their social media handles such as e-mail or Facebook. Once they’ve logged in, we also offer one-click reordering so that customers have a list of their past orders they can simply click on for a similar order again. This way, order fulfillment becomes easier and your customers save time.

Ready Upselling

Upselling is among the most popular sales strategies in the restaurant industry. It can be a gamechanger when it comes to increasing revenue and that’s why our no contact dining solution makes upselling as simple as ever. Whether it’s an iced coffee or onion rings on the side, you can recommend various menu items and combos to your customers with ease.

Order Modification

If a guest wants a particular menu item customized to meet their taste preferences, they can conveniently do so in a matter of seconds. Whether it’s specifying “no mayo” for their burger or “extra spicy” for their ramen, there’s no need to call a server and specify these wishes, it can be done online.

Restolabs offers a contactless menu solution that truly ticks all the right boxes. Converting your traditional menu to a digital one doesn’t have to be a burden- we’re here to walk you through it. Our goal is to help you bring about a no-fuss customer experience all the way from ordering to checkout.

Sign up for a demo today!



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